Outline of Myanmar
Country Name
Republic of the Union of Myanmar
Buddhist 89%
Christian 5%
Islam 4%
Hindu 1%
Others 1%
estimation about 60million people (Source:Asian Development Bank)
Country area
approximately 680,000km2 (approximately 1.8 times of Japan)
GDP per person
approximately 1,298USD (2018/2019 Fiscal Year IFM estimation)
Export value
approximately 16,775million USD (2018/2019 Fiscal Year)
Import value
approximately 19,439million USD (2018/2019 Fiscal Year)
Potentiality of growth
At the time in 1990s, it had the investment boom against Myanmar. There also had the impact of the economic sanctions concerning with the political issues, Asian currency crisis, etc. and Myanmar economy become isolation from that time. But one-party dictatorship has come to an end by the armed forces that lasted about 20 years from 30th Mar 2011 and Myanmar is spotlighted again from abroad by new Cabinet was inaugurated.
There are the certain circumstances of the trends in Myanmar from now on and we must pay attention carefully to the movement of politics & economy including the legislation of international investment to Myanmar and Lifting of the economic sanctions of Western countries. There is a wide variety of risk from the undeveloped land in various fields such as education, economy, etc. to the local business convention and marketability.
Single step that step into the local with an eye firmly in the near future of that part and Myanmar has the undeveloped land with rich labour resources. The large changes in business environment are always happening and it will be the problems of the time to attract the attention of the world again as a growing nation.
Japan & Myanmar
The trust with Japanese and Japan made products is very high in Myanmar nowadays. Myanmar people also have generally similar in the national traits and habits with the Japanese. That’s why it is possible to have simple mutual understanding between Myanmar and Japanese. From this point of view, Myanmar is longing for the investment and technology offer form Japan. Myanmar can take as one of the remarkable developments of ASEAN's huge marketplace to distinguish. So Japan’s situation and role will seem to become from the point of view from education, technology, trading habit from now on. That is expected to related the feeling of stagnation of recovery and new future of Japan’s condition and atmosphere in the recent years.